Meeting The Mayor…. By Hal Eisenberg, L.M.S.W.

lightworkers, change, charity, youth devlopment

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead, Cultural Anthropologist   I haven’t written in awhile, but with all the efforts going on throughout Windows of Opportunity surrounding the revamping of our website, which includes the promotion of […]

13 Reasons Why – A Commentary – By Jaelyn Peek, Age 16

suicide, bully, fear, netflix, 13 reasons why

  I just finished watching the new tv show 13 Reasons Why on Netflix. It’s about a teenage girl who commits suicide, and records 13 tapes explaining why she did it and who was involved. While it is explicit and at certain points disturbing and painful to watch, it is also authentic and straightforward and […]

The Working Camera of a Leader By Kianna Simpkins

through a lens, blog, leadership, camera

Regarding police brutality and racism, the episode “The Lawn Chair” touched upon issues often neglected by society. The episode provides a deeper thought process towards racism/oppression and introduces a new, different factor that is not often considered. For example, in the circumstance of police officers and their reputations, the episode showed that there are truly […]

What is Love? – By Alexandra Ramirez, 2016-2017 Shortstack Model

what is love, shortstack, heartbeat

I wrote something that was inspired by a conversation I was having with Hal and my writing might make one of you guys smile or remember something positive or change your mind set so yeaaa that’s why I keep posting my blogs:   Love is when you care for that person so much their suffering […]

Let’s Not Sugarcoat the Facts – By Travis Boothe

police brutality, violence, shooting, leadership

The episode of “The Lawn Chair” from the television series Scandal relates to our Love in Action class because everything that we see and hear changes the way teenagers and people in general view the events going on in the world today. The episode mainly focused on the problems between the police and citizens (mainly […]

TBQ Presents An All Ages Punk Island Benefit Show

punk shows, all ages, nyc, diy

We are so excited that we have a stage this year at Punk Island on June 18th, 2017 at Governor’s Island! On Saturday, April 15th, we are going to have a benefit show for Punk Island at Hollis Woods Community Church… and its also our Program Director Arlene’s Birthday Bash! Its an amazing bill! Everyone […]

Are All Cops Bad? By Karen Castro

Karen Castro Mr. Hal Love in Action 04 April 2017   After watching The Lawn Chair episode, I am speechless and left with mixed feelings. I don’t know what to say but it really did make me understand it’s an episode everyone should see. I think it’s a real eye opener. What impacted me the […]

Who Am I? – By 2017 Shortstack Model Alexandra Ramirez

I don’t know who I am. I know my name is Alexandra Ramirez and I’m a 16-year-old girl, but I don’t know who I am as a person. I don’t know if I matter to anybody or if my life has any meaning. I’m so lost and I always been lost. I’ve been depressed for […]

To promote mental health, identity-based student groups look inward

mental health, ivy league, columbia university, the inner you

    Citing a shortage of regularly scheduled, university-wide discussions surrounding mental health, identity-based student groups have held  mental health-focused programs for their own members this year. In the past semester, student organizations including the University Senate Student Affairs Committee, General Studies Student Council, and the Mental Health Task Force, have all called for greater […]