13 Reasons Why – A Commentary – By Jaelyn Peek, Age 16

suicide, bully, fear, netflix, 13 reasons why

  I just finished watching the new tv show 13 Reasons Why on Netflix. It’s about a teenage girl who commits suicide, and records 13 tapes explaining why she did it and who was involved. While it is explicit and at certain points disturbing and painful to watch, it is also authentic and straightforward and […]

To promote mental health, identity-based student groups look inward

mental health, ivy league, columbia university, the inner you

    Citing a shortage of regularly scheduled, university-wide discussions surrounding mental health, identity-based student groups have held  mental health-focused programs for their own members this year. In the past semester, student organizations including the University Senate Student Affairs Committee, General Studies Student Council, and the Mental Health Task Force, have all called for greater […]

What Is Wrong With Our Medical Profession? By Hal Eisenberg, CEO

the inner you, butterfly, eating disorders, self esteem

I was asked to write a reaction as a professional social worker who has worked with many youth and adults who are struggling with an Eating Disorder to the following quote in the article linked below. The original article is posted under my reaction. The article is actually a very good article on Binge Eating Disorder […]

Procrastination – A Short Blog by Hal Eisenberg – June 8, 2015

Procratination, Anger, Blessings, Passion

“Have a big enough heart to love unconditionally, and a broad enough mind to embrace the differences that make each of us unique.” ― D.B. Harrop What a random unexpected time to sit down and write a blog. I have not written public thoughts in awhile now, probably dating back to that ancient history we […]

The Inner You in Action

By: Tracy Mignone We are a group of people who aim to educate about and prevent eating disorders and erase the stigma that they don’t need to be taken seriously… we aim to go into schools and teach classrooms at a time to have a better understanding. While the main focus of the INNER YOU […]

This is me…my name is Tracy…

I have what is called Neurocardiogenic Syncope (a.k.a. vasovagal syncope) …brought on by many years of malnutrition caused by an eating disorder called anorexia nervosa, with which I struggled with since I was a teen. Basically, syncope means “to faint” unexpectedly. There is no real danger in it except that if I don’t catch the […]

LGBT Support

OUTreach is an outlet for youth to discuss issues related to sexual identity in an open and safe environment. We address relevant issues and topics to young LGBTQ teens growing up in New York City and surrounding areas.

Eating Disorders & Self Esteem

The Inner You is a prevention & education program on self esteem issues and eating disorders designed for youth to have an opportunity to explore their own self-identity, thoughts, values and feelings among their peers.