I was asked to write a reaction as a professional social worker who has worked with many youth and adults who are struggling with an Eating Disorder to the following quote in the article linked below. The original article is posted under my reaction. The article is actually a very good article on Binge Eating Disorder (BED) and is advocating for services but I am still appalled that there is not more being done professionally for those struggling. Education is the cure for ignorance and it begins here.

“While eating disorders claim the most fatalities of any mental illness, doctors receive zero to one hour of training on them throughout their entire medical career.”



This is absurd to say the least. Eating Disorders in my experience is one of the most complicated mental disorders to comprehend, and has so many aspects, that one hour of training doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of comprehending Eating Disorders. One hour of training is what feeds the stereotypes and misconception that Eating Disorders are about the food. If you have ever been blessed enough to connect with a soul that is struggling with an Eating Disorder, and you get a peak into their world, you will see the complexities and struggle they have daily and how each person is different. It is not something that can be learned in an hour and the fact that statistically that is what is dedicated to something that impacts over 8 million Americans is frankly unethical and inhumane. It’s statistics like this that led us to create The Inner You. The INNER YOU is a prevention & education program on self-esteem issues, including eating disorders, self-injury, alcoholism & drug abuse, designed for youth to have the opportunity to explore their own self-identity, thoughts & values among their peers.. We need to start connecting with one another. We need to realize we all matter. When do we realize love and comprehending human nature is and should be part of medical training. We need to start looking at the body mind and spirit, and the medical field should start looking at all these aspects of the human being if it wants to make a greater shift in saving lives. And even without my strong opinion here – just logically saying that doctors have an hour of training in Eating Disorders is the same as saying 8 million lives do not matter. That’s a disgrace. 

More on The Inner You 

Our youth face a myriad of issues today and GOOD Self Esteem Is crucial to survive. Without it, their chances for a happy, productive future are slim. At THE INNER YOU we recognize that the key to building positive self-esteem is to take control of situations in a healthy way. This is done through education… not just by US teaching THEM but by THEM teaching OTHERS.


Our mission is simple…

*Offer a comfortable, casual, fun and completely impartial atmosphere where the only rules are complete confidentiality and to simply… be yourself.

*Discuss the issues of control, self- worth and the impact of how media distorts our vision of what true beauty is and how to accept and love yourself for who you are.

*Educate youth on the statistics, warning signs and dangers of eating disorders, self-injury, alcoholism, drug abuse, anxiety & depression so that they may then educate and help their peers.

*Transform our members into “Peer Leaders” who can then go into classrooms to run interactive workshops and share what they have learned.

Become a Peer Leader… Earn College Credits!


Email us! theinneryou@eisenbergacdmy.wpengine.com

instagram: the_inner_u


The Inner You is a program that runs under the guidance of Windows Of Opportunity, Inc. A 501(c)3 non-profit organization creating a shift in what is possible for youth in the areas of leadership, empowerment, self-esteem, school performance and career planning… A shift from disempowerment, differences, and indecision to possibility, acceptance and opportunity.

The original article:

7 things you should know about this ‘secret’ eating disorder that’s more common than anorexia

It’s not that you’re a “failed dieter.”

Oct 6, 2016 01:32 PM

While eating disorders claim the most fatalities of any mental illness, doctors receive zero to one hour of training on them throughout their entire medical career.

They learn even less about binge eating disorder (BED) — the most common ED in the United States.

To be fair, the disorder wasn’t formally recognized until it entered the DSM-5 three years ago. It defines BED as “recurrent episodes of binge eating,” which include:

  • Eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g., within any 2-hour period), an amount of food that is definitely larger than what most people would eat in a similar period of time under similar circumstances.
  • A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode (e.g., a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating).

Though 3.5% of American women and 2% of men will struggle with BED at some point in their lives, many never seek treatment because they see themselves as “failed dieters” rather than people with a serious health condition.

In fact, 30 to 40% of people seeking weight loss treatments can be clinically diagnosed with binge eating disorder. But all too often, doctors don’t know that.

If you or someone you care about might be struggling with BED, here’s what you need to know:

Binge eating disorder is not the same as bulimia.

Ashley Solomon, a licensed clinical psychologist and director of Eating Recovery Center of Ohio, told Revelist that BED isn’t the same as bulimia, which includes both binging and purging food.

“The difference between BED and bulimia, for example, is that in bulimia, following the episode, there’s some kind of compensatory behavior,” She said. “So, self-induced vomiting, use of laxatives, things like that. In BED, you don’t see that necessarily. It’s really about binge episodes that are occurring repeatedly at least once a week for a period of three months.”

That said, many people who have struggled with anorexia or bulimia can develop BED as they grow out of the other disorders.

“I see a lot of people that, as a teenager, struggled with anorexia or bulimia, and have developed BED later in life,” Solomon added.

Some people are more likely to develop BED than others. It’s science.

“Like all eating disorders, we think that people tend to have a biological predisposition to these disorders,” Solomon told Revelist. “Genetics and biology load the gun, and environment pulls the trigger.”

Though anyone can develop BED at any age, it’s most common that people start experiencing symptoms in their 20s. Many simultaneously struggle with mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, or OCD.

“A lot of people will treat binge eating as a kind of medication,” Solomon said. “Many, many people with BED have a comorbid mental health condition, so they’re dealing with something else as well.”

“Sometimes, binge eating is a way of dealing with that,” she added.

There’s no single explanation why someone develops BED.

But “transitional periods” in person’s life (e.g. college, moving, marriage) can certainly trigger the harmful habits, Solomon said.

“Penny,” a 26-year-old from Michigan, told Revelist she started noticing symptoms at a difficult point in her life two years ago.

“I was under a lot of stress at the time and dealing with a full school load and work,” she said. “I was also dealing with the end of a relationship and the loss of a family member.”

She relied on food to self-soothe, and binged two to five times a week.

“I would often order a lot of food and find myself eating all of it even though I was very full or not very hungry,” Penny said. “I was always ashamed of what I was eating because I knew it was bad for me.”

She said she’d wait until later in the evening to eat at home when her family would go to bed, “so they wouldn’t judge me for the food I ate.”

Dieting can fuel binge eating disorder.

“We’ll see a person who is really unhappy with their bodies and attempt to go on all kinds of diets and restrict what they’re eating, and then as a result of that, they’re more likely to binge,” Solomon told Revelist.

“If they go the whole day without eating enough, they set themselves up to binge. So sometimes the root is this vicious cycle of dieting.”

But because doctors aren’t trained to look for BED, they assume their patients aren’t “trying hard enough” to be healthy.

“[People with BED] may just see themselves as ‘failed dieters,’ that’s really common,” Solomon said. “They’ll go to the doctor and say, ‘There’s something wrong with me. I just can’t stay on a diet, and my weight just keeps going up. And I don’t have any willpower.'”

The doctor will likely suggest treatments that don’t address the disordered eating practices.

“A lot of doctors and physicians will look at somebody who might have someone come into their office who’s in a higher weight body, and they’ll never ask them about their eating habits,” Solomon said.

“They’ll tell them to go on a diet, or to manage their weight. But [some of] these people have an eating disorder — they don’t need a prescription for a weight loss pill.”

Fatphobia in and out of the medical community makes it hard for those struggling to realize they have a problem.

“[BED] is misunderstood because often when you’re heavier and you’re seen eating unhealthy, you’re just seen as lazy and not willing to help yourself out,” Penny, who still struggles with binge eating episodes, told Revelist. “People don’t realize your mental health effects you too.”

Solomon says weight stigma causes people with BED to silently suffer.

“We don’t give as much attention or concern to conditions that people who are in higher weight bodies struggle with,” she said.

If you’re struggling with BED, know you’re not alone.

Groups like NEDA and BEDA are working hard to get federal bills passed that would guarantee more eating disorder training for health professionals and educators.

“This is a prime time for mental health legislation and eating disorder legislation,” Solomon told Revelist. “There’s Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act and then there’s a senate bill that’s a companion to that. We’re hoping that in this session, that those will get passed.”

In the meantime, she recommends checking out BEDA for more ways to find treatment options.

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