The children are our future. How can we empower our youth to create the life they want. Here to help us is Hal Eisenberg is the founder and Executive Director of a non profit agency called Windows of Opportunity, Inc. – The Barbara Harmon Institute.WOO provides young people between the ages of 6 to 24 with a healthy, safe, supportive and positive environment in which they can be encouraged to discuss themselves as persons of infinite worth and potential. Windows of Opportunity is creating a shift in what is possible for youth in the areas of leadership, empowerment, self-esteem, school performance, and career planning; a shift from disempowerment, differences, and indecision to possibility, acceptance and opportunity. Hal has established a supportive counseling program for students focused on the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse, and related issues such as anger management and conflict resolution. His superior leadership skills led to the creation of a HIV Peer Empowerment and Leadership Program, a fashion and modeling program called Shortstack that addresses the need for youth to love themselves for whom they are, a supportive LGBT program, called OUTreach, that provides a safe haven for youth to discuss a variety of issues surrounding sexuality, an eating disorders prevention curriculum and program called The Inner You, as well as several additional leadership, educational and arts based programming.
With a strong knowledge in creating innovative programs for over 15 years, Hal has raised over half a million dollars for various charities, and has authored 10 youth development training manuals on various youth issues. He is extremely involved in community service projects. He has recently coordinated youth leadership programs in Haiti, Nigeria, the UK, and Canada. Hal holds a Masters Degree in Social Work from Adelphi University and is a Licensed Master Social Worker in New York State.