Alive With Clive: Catch the Health Wave Benefit
The Catch the Health Wave event for the benefit of Ripple Effect Artists and Gilda’s Club New York City I mentioned in my previous newsletter took place in Manhattan this past Saturday, and it was rip-roaring success!
Meet Our 2014 Unsung Hero
Rich Canci embraces the spirit of life in so many ways. Sign on to his Facebook page and at first glance you see a 23-year-old Nursing student, bartender, and lead singer for the band When All Else Fails. Dig a little deeper and you find a young man who is motivational, spirited, passionate, and making his mark on the world. Rich is also a 5-time cancer survivor.
Carmelina performs at St. John’s University
March 20, 2014 Growing up in the inner city comes with some advantages and disadvantages. There are tons of places to visit and so much to do. New York City is the city that never sleeps. However, there was always something inside of me that wanted to explore more; become more. I knew that my […]
The Haiti Blogs: My Journey of Hope and Rediscovery – Pt 11 “Afterthoughts”
By Hal Eisenberg February 23, 2014 “Up the steps of the church, through the fields in the dirt, in the dark I have seen, that the sun still shines for the one who believed.” – Bon Jovi I have a few “thinking spots” in NYC that I like to visit in order to gather my […]
The Haiti Blogs: My Journey of Hope and Rediscovery – Pt 10 “Home Sweet Home”
By Hal Eisenberg February 22, 2014 I worked very late last night transferring footage onto our external hard drive, so even though I am excited and a bit anxious to return home (my conflicting feelings continue internally and quietly), I am very exhausted and feeling a bit disconnected from myself. There are still things I […]
The Haiti Blogs: My Journey of Hope and Rediscovery – Pt 9 “Let’s Take The Long Way Home…”
By Hal Eisenberg February 21, 2014 I awoke prior to sunrise this morning with an excitement that was two fold. Almost as if I have split personality, the town bell symbolized it was time to begin our long journey home, but my enthusiasm wanted me to run up the hill to the school that impacted […]
The Haiti Blogs: My Journey of Hope and Rediscovery – Pt 8 “The Universe Unfolds As It Wants”
By Hal Eisenberg February 20, 2014 I awoke this morning with some apprehension and anxiety about today’s events. I go to sleep tonight a changed man, astounded by what a difference one day can make in someone’s life. Today is one of those quintessential days that you will sit back and reflect on, realizing you […]
The Haiti Blogs: My Journey of Hope and Rediscovery – Pt 7 “Chapter 2 Page 1 – “Homesick”
By Hal Eisenberg February 19, 2014 If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around does it make a sound? If the highest level of achievement in a remote village is becoming a teacher, does a child know how to develop other dreams and passion? If you are staring out of a hole […]
The Haiti Blogs: My Journey of Hope and Rediscovery – Pt 6 “A Real Blessing”
By Hal Eisenberg February 18, 2014 Last night after dinner we had our usual “reflection” with Joe, Patricia, and the team – moments I am beginning to truly look forward to. This conversation in particular was a very detailed and informative discussion on the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, how it functions, as well as […]
The Haiti Blogs: My Journey of Hope and Rediscovery – Pt 5 I Feel Like a Rock Star
By Hal Eisenberg February 17, 2014 I am taking a break from a very extensive and exhausting day. Finally there is some tranquility to search my thoughts and process these moments as I am hiding out in the back of the rectory and sitting on these stone steps. Through the palm trees and looking far […]